Patrick Kenny

Patrick Kenny


Patrick Kenny’s primary degree in Experimental Physics was awarded by Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in 1982. His Master’s degree (Physical Sciences in Medicine) was also awarded by TCD. He received his PhD in computational physics from University College Dublin (UCD) in 2001. In 1984 he began working as a medical physicist at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin. Between 1998 and 2020 he was chief physicist at the Mater. He is also an Associate Clinical Professor at UCD. His main teaching experience is with the Faculty of Radiologists’ training program in Dublin. He co-ordinates the Faculty’s International physics training program. His other current teaching duties include UCD postgraduate courses for radiographers and medical physicists. Dr Kenny’s main research interests are the development of efficient metrics for routine assessment of radiological image quality. His most recent publication: “A novel quantitative measure of image quality in fluoroscopy”, was published in the European Journal of Medical Physics (March 2020).