Julia Mindner
Julia Mindner ECVS,
graduated from Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, Germany, in 2009. During the next two years she did a rotating small animal Internship at a private clinic in Augsburg, Germany (Dres. Unger, Schwedes, Bentele). In 2012 she started working at Tierklinik Haar, Germany (Dres. Scharvogel, Stockhaus, Jurina). Under the supervision of Dr. Stefan Scharvogel, she enrolled in a residency program in Small Animal Surgery in 2013, which was completed 2016. In February 2019 she achieved the diploma of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS). Since then, she continued working as a senior surgeon at Tierklinik Haar, as so training future surgeons in-house and also gives lectures to practitioners.