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The Vet Meet Summer Camp is a boot camp for veterinary specialists centred on a full immersion into the state of art and the next breakthroughs in veterinary medicine.
In 2025 Vet Meet will explore Central Europe.
From June 16th-20th, we will gather in the “City of a Hundred Spires” – Prague
Scientific Program
The scientific program will cover all diagnostic imaging modalities with our overall topic being “Architecture”.
Social Program
Besides an outstanding scientific program, we will prepare a wonderful social program for you.
graduated from Veterinary University Budapest, Hungary in 2004. She worked as a practitioner in small animal practices and animal shelters in Hungary and at the Kaposvár University (Hungary) as a scientist. In the latter the emphasis of her work was MR neuroimaging in small animals. 2007-2010 she postgraduated as a small animal practitioner at Veterinary University Budapest, Hungary. In 2011 she enrolled the PhD program of the Kaposvár University (Hungary) with the thesis MR imaging of epileptic dogs with emphasis hippocampal alterations. 2013 she started working at the Diagnostic Imaging Department of Vetmeduni Vienna (Austria). 2018 she graduated as General Practitioner of Small Animal Ultrasound (ESVPS). In 2020 she enrolled the residency program in Diagnostic Imaging at Vetmeduni Vienna (Austria), supervised by Dr. Conor Rowan. She is author of papers published in international peer reviewed journals.